HOURS Every Day 9am–7pm (Holidays)
Become a steward of the Fare Share community today!

Fare Share Food Co-op is owned by almost 800 households. These Member-Owners elect and are represented by a Board of Directors to govern the organization on their behalf. The Board’s work is to hire and oversee the General Manager, who runs the day-to-day operations of the Market within guidelines set by the Board. The Board has responsibility for the long-term vision and guidance of the Co-op. And the Board is also accountable for the financial well-being of the Co-op. We are the stewards of our Member-Owners’ investment in the Co-op.
In 2003 the Board adopted Policy Governance (PG) to help organize and guide them. This helped the Board do what it needed to do and not micromanage the General Manager. The Policy Governance Register (PG Register) was created and approved with the help of Michael Healy from Cooperative Development Services and the 2003 Board of Hanover Co-op in New Hampshire. See more about Policy Governance below. A major revision was made to the policies in March of 2015 by the PG Committee. Our PG Register is a living document that gets used daily and amended often to ensure that the interpretation of it by the General Manager and Board meets the needs of the Co-op.
Fare Share Bylaws mandate a Board of nine members and an Executive Council of four officers. Board members serve terms of three years and are limited to two consecutive terms. It is a great service—and a great experience—to be a Fare Share Board member. It generally requires about 1-3 hours a week to do your job well. If you are interested in joining the Board, contact the Board President and click here to download a Fare Share Co-op Board Info Packet.
New board members are elected every spring and fall at annual Member-Owner Meetings. Those interested in running for the Board are strongly advised to attend Board Meetings and participate on a committee to learn more about leadership within the Co-op.
Board meetings are held on 3rd Thursdays each month from 4–5:30 pm on Zoom.
Dates and times may change, so check in with the Board President to find out when the next meeting will be. Board meetings are open for observation by Fare Share Member-Owners. If you would like to have an item put on the agenda or would like more information about the Board and Board meetings, please contact the Board President.
Meetings for all Co-op Member-Owners in good standing are held every Spring and Fall. You are encouraged to invite your friends to the meetings, which are currently held on Zoom. A newsletter with the Zoom information and the agenda will be sent out ahead of time.
Click HERE for FAQ about getting on the board.